A procurement specialist is an expert in finding goods and services for a business. Building relationships with the procurement specialists is a sure way to be on top of the list and receive Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Quotation (RFQ). This is because while the requirements and specifications originate from the end-users, the specialists conduct the vendor search and send out the RFQs and RFPs.

So how do you build relationships with procurement specialists and make sure they remember you when requirements are needed? Below are 5 ways to receive more RFQ’s and RFP’s from big companies and make procurement specialists work for you.

Tips on How to Receive More Tenders from Big Companies

1. Value Their Time

An average procurement specialist has to juggle several procurement requests in varying stages. New entrepreneurs often fail to recognize that the specialist has only a limited amount of time to spend on each request and on each vendors for each request.

You can show that you value their time by attending meetings on time and submitting quotes and proposals on or before the deadline. Do not wait at the last minute to notify them if you do not plan to participate in the tender. As much as possible, be a vendor that does not require constant follow-up.

2. Value Their Work

Do not attempt to bribe or offer commissions. These are professionals who take their work seriously and ethically. Instead, highlight how your service or product, if acquired, will benefit their organization as a whole.

Remember to be courteous and grateful for the opportunity to quote or propose. Give your best price always and make sure you are really open to price negotiations if needed.

3. Provide Help

I have worked with procurement specialists in making better RFQs for our engineering field. I once briefed engineers from a Korean electric power company, with no less than the VP for legal in attendance, just to make sure they understand the scope of the service they were bidding out.

There have been times when the contents of the RFQs and RFPs have been revised after I provided clarifications and information to the procurement and end-user. Position yourself as an expert in your field or industry and offer that knowledge freely.

4. Partner for the Long Haul

Most often than not, new vendors do not win contracts in their first biddings. You need to be able to accept this fact at the very start. You will find that you will be asked to quote for several projects and not win at least one of them. That’s okay. You are in for the long haul anyway.

At some point, you will get a contract if you continue to properly build relationships with the people that matter. Also, try to review your pricing schemes. Instead of looking at a single contract with a huge profit margin, make a pricing strategy that spreads your target profit to several contracts.

5. Deliver Quality and Gratitude

Finally, nothing beats delivered quality. Make sure your products are up to the specifications required. Make sure services and deliverables are submitted on or before the deadline. Check if interim reports are provided to end users and issues are addressed in a timely manner.

When the project is completed, send a short email to the procurement specialist informing him or her of the project completion. Thank the specialist for facilitating the contract.


To sum it up, here are 5 ways to receive more RFQ’s and RFP’s from big companies and make procurement specialists work for you:

  1. Value Their Time
  2. Value Their Work
  3. Provide Help
  4. Partner for the Long Haul
  5. Deliver Quality and Gratitude

Expect to see more RFQ’s and RFP’s in your email inbox as you build relationships with procurement specialists. The key is to make their work easier and better. Be a vendor who looks for opportunities to provide help with no strings attached. Position your business as a partner for the long haul and never neglect quality – in your products and customer service.

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